Stuff Alyssa has talked me into...

  • 2008 Boston Marathon
  • 7 mile trail run in Fitchburg..
  • Peak's Island 5 Mile race... On an island... Silly.
  • Going to Costa Rica... To get a passport stamp.
  • 5K trail run in Lynn. Lynn!!
  • Busa Bushwack - 5.3 mile trail run. Whacky...
  • Car shopping with her. Got oil?
  • Installing closet organizers for everyone she knows.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

De Plane...

Who remembers Herve Villechaize? Tattoo from the Fantasy Island TV show? If you do, your age is showing...

Actually, it's "De Pain." It's been a tough couple weeks. I've had some kind of simmering upper respiratory thing going on. I finally got to see the doc on Thursday Jan. 10. I have myself some amoxicillin now so hopefully this illness will soon be gone.

Being sick made running entirely un-fun. I was tired all the time and wasn't running during the week- Only at the Saturday team runs. 9+ miles in Grafton. Nothing is flat in Grafton. It's all either up or down. I only managed 5.5 or so miles at last weeks team run and then this past week, work and being sick kept me off the road. Yesterday's team run was 11 miles. I can honestly say that yesterday was the single worst training day I've ever had for any sport at any time. (Well, I broke my right femur on Dec. 26, 1976 at wrestling practice- But I got morphine for that...) I had bad cramps in my right calf, because of the cramps, my stride changed hurting my right knee. Blech. At least training probably can't get much worse. Not enough water during the week I think. Maybe not enough potassium and electrolytes either. I'm going to be a chimp with gills this week. Which means a lot of bananas and water like a fish. Which reminds me of a joke:

What do you call a fish with no eyes?... A fsh.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitresses.

John Engdahl, one of our honorees came to training yesterday to talk to the team before the run. John is a cancer survivor, former TNT marathoner and all-around great guy. John is pretty funny and he always motivates me. I probably owe the fact that I finished the training run (Walk?) yesterday to John!

We're solidly into double-digit team runs now so I have to make training during the week a higher priority. I think the next couple days are going to be a wash for outdoor running so I will hit the gym. I'm not a big fan of the treadmill but it's better than sitting at home eating donuts.

No new photo this week because: A) I am lazy and B) I have no new photos to post. So instead I'm posting a couple links. One is to make your own Southpark character and the other is to make your own Simpsons character. What do these have to do with leukemia or marathons? Nothing. But you need a laugh every once in a while. Those of you who enjoy making cop and donut jokes will appreciate the Simpson's loading icon- I know who you are.

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not giving up, are you?!?! Did you run this weekend????