Stuff Alyssa has talked me into...

  • 2008 Boston Marathon
  • 7 mile trail run in Fitchburg..
  • Peak's Island 5 Mile race... On an island... Silly.
  • Going to Costa Rica... To get a passport stamp.
  • 5K trail run in Lynn. Lynn!!
  • Busa Bushwack - 5.3 mile trail run. Whacky...
  • Car shopping with her. Got oil?
  • Installing closet organizers for everyone she knows.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hill that is.

Saturday was a 12 mile excursion including the famous Heartbreak Hill. I was underdressed and under-confident. I swear it got colder during the run. Also, much of the return leg was into the wind. At my speed the wind doesn't really change much- I just continue to be slow! But it was a cold wind. Cold wind + sweat + no hat = big freezy head. No calf cramps though. I think between plenty of water during the week, electrolyte replacement, "The Stick" and enough bananas to make a monkey jealous, that problem is behind me. It's time to start thinking about nutrition during the runs. I was really hungry during the last mile. Gels... Mmmmmmm!

I've been having trouble with the mental game. I spent a good part of the 'run' wishing that it was over. I realize it's a big TNT no-no, but I may start bringing my MP3 player to training runs. I end up by myself a lot because I'm so damn slow! :o) Tunes really help on my weekday runs and the treadmill. I'm still brutally attentive to the clock so time really crawls sometimes. I need to find 'the zone.' On my weekday outdoor runs, I'm not a clock watcher. I don't know why. On the treadmill, my eyes are glued to the clock. Maybe that's because it's right in front of my face. I'd love to be able to close my eyes on the treadmill. If I closed my eyes on the treadmill, I suspect I'd become the day's entertainment pretty quickly.

Speaking of the treadmill. (7 miles on it today) I've noticed that I pay much more attention to my form on the treadmill. Maybe that's because if you screw up badly enough, it will spit you out like a cartoon character. I'm still not completely sold on the treadmill idea but it's a good workout and there's no snow. I've heard of people doing full marathon training on a treadmill. Interesting concept but I don't think that would be ideal for me.

One of the big differences between cycling and running for me is that the cycling is much more social. Cycling tends to be more of a group thing where there really isn't alot of competition (Except for Keith! OK, and Anna too.) Runners seem more competitive even if only with themselves. Don't get me wrong- The marathon team is great- Everyone has been very supportive. (Even if they're thinking something else in their heads!!) It's not a complaint about runners- No no no! -Just an observation!

Saturday's run made me realize that I need to crank it up a notch during the week. I think I'm going to stick with two runs during the week and a long run on Saturdays, but I'm going to jack up the intensity. I'm going to work some more cross-training in with the runds as well.

This week's photo kinds of sums up my attitude!

See you soon!


Anonymous said...

Go Ben go!!

Anonymous said...

'tis Patience and I have a tip for not watching the clock on the treadmill- i don't personally do it but i've seen people at the campus gym do it. what they do is they take those little towels (they remind me of face cloths) and place it over the clock after setting what they need to set. then they can look down and not see the clock. hope that helps!